
Specially designed heating and cooling solutions for the Panda facility at the Zoo

The two pandas in the new panda enclosure at the Zoo can snake on large stones and tree trunks with inlaid cooling and heat. This allows them to thermoregulate and seek out extra cooling or heat depending on what they need.
Neotherm A/S has specially designed the solution to this unusual task.

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No more polar cold and pull in
Maskinfabrikken Nordmark

A specially designed radiant heating system from Neotherm has significantly improved the working environment at Maskinfabrikken Nordmark in Sæby, which specializes in machining large steel items for the wind turbine industry, among other things. The tonne-heavy cold steel blanks drawn into the hall for machining are heated at record speed by radiant heating panels in the ceiling.

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The wonder machine in the heating centre

A new degassing and pressure holding system from Neotherm handles the five most important tasks in the housing association's heating centre – completely automatically.

550 apartments in AAB department 33 in Copenhagen Northwest have received a more stable and secure heat supply with a new system that constantly maintains the right pressure in the heating system.

NOTE! Neotherm Degassing and pressure holding systems are also used in refrigeration systems at Viborg Hospital.

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Innovative solution in KAB heating central

The supply of domestic hot water to 281 apartments in Kagsgården in Herlev has become better and cheaper with a KAB pilot project, where four smaller hot water tanks from Neotherm ensure a perfect and constant temperature for the hot water.

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